
From Crash to Cash: The Best Auto Accident Lawyer Guide

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When Sarah, a mother of two, found herself recovering from a serious accident, she reached out to our auto accident lawyer. The accident left her with mounting medical bills, ongoing pain, and an inability to return to work. Amid the chaos, Sarah realized she needed help navigating her way to justice. That’s when she turned to The One Click Lawyers.

Our team at The One Click Lawyers is committed to ensuring you get the compensation you deserve with a seamless, stress-free legal process. Continue reading our guide to learn more about how we can assist you in your auto accident lawsuit.

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The Car Accident Victim: If you have a crash and someone is injured you should do the following

Being a victim in a car accident is a traumatic and often disorienting experience. However, the actions you take immediately after the incident can significantly impact your ability to seek compensation for your injuries and damages. Here are key steps you should follow if you have just been involved in an accident:

1. Ensure Safety First

Your first priority after an accident is to ensure the safety of everyone involved. If it’s safe to do so, move vehicles out of the flow of traffic to prevent further accidents. If moving vehicles isn’t possible, turn on hazard lights to signal to other drivers.

2. Call 911

Once everyone is safe, call 911 to report the accident. This is important even if the accident seems minor. The police will create an official report detailing the accident, which can be essential evidence in your claim later on.

3. Seek Medical Attention

Even if your injuries seem minor, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent and could become serious if left untreated. Additionally, having medical records documenting your injuries right after the accident will help establish a link between the accident and your injuries.

4. Do Not Admit Fault

While it’s natural to want to apologize, especially if someone is hurt, refrain from admitting fault or assuming blame at the scene of the accident. It’s crucial to let the insurance adjusters and law enforcement determine fault based on evidence. Anything you say at the scene could potentially be used against you later.

5. Document the Accident

Take photos of the accident scene, including damage to all vehicles involved, your injuries, and any relevant road conditions or traffic signs. If there were witnesses, get their contact information. Write down the details of the accident as soon as you can, including date, time, location, and how the accident happened.

6. Exchange Information

Exchange information with the other driver(s) involved. This should include names, contact information, insurance information, and vehicle details.

7. Notify Your Insurance Company

Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Be truthful and factual when describing the incident but avoid admitting fault or giving detailed statements until you have consulted with an attorney.

8. Consult a Car Accident Attorney

A car accident attorney can guide you through the process of filing a claim, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and represent you in court if necessary. They can help you understand your rights and work to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

9. Keep Records

Keep all records related to the accident and your subsequent medical treatment. This includes police reports, medical bills, repair estimates, proof of missed work and lost wages, and any correspondence with insurance companies.

Remember, every car accident is unique, and the process can be complex. It’s essential to have professional legal counsel to navigate the process and advocate for your interests.

How Long Do You Have to Report an Accident?

Knowing how long you have to report an auto accident is crucial to protect your rights and ensure that you can pursue any claims for compensation if necessary. It’s important to note that the time frame for reporting an accident can vary depending on the circumstances and jurisdiction, but there are generally two types of reporting that must occur after an accident: reporting to law enforcement and reporting to your insurance company.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

In many states, you are required by law to immediately report any auto accident that results in personal injury, death, or substantial property damage. The exact threshold for reporting can vary, but generally, if the accident caused damage over a certain dollar amount – usually between $500 and $1000 – or if anyone was injured or killed, it must be immediately reported to local law enforcement or the state highway patrol.

In such situations, law enforcement officers will typically come to the accident scene and create an official accident report. If for some reason, police are not present at the scene, you must file this report yourself within a certain time frame, often within 24 to 72 hours.

Reporting to Your Insurance Company

Regardless of who was at fault, it’s also essential to report the accident to your auto insurance company as soon as possible. Many insurance policies require prompt reporting and full cooperation, which typically means reporting the incident within 24 to 48 hours. Failure to promptly report an accident to your insurer may give them grounds to deny your claim.

Even if the accident was minor and you don’t plan to file a claim, it’s still a good idea to notify your insurance company about the accident. This can help protect you if the other driver later decides to file a claim against you.

Statute of Limitations

Finally, remember that if you intend to file a lawsuit for damages related to the accident, each state has a statute of limitations – a deadline for when a lawsuit must be initiated. For auto accident cases, this time limit usually ranges from one to three years, starting from the date of the accident.

Keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and the exact rules can vary from one jurisdiction to another. It is always best to consult with a knowledgeable auto accident attorney who is familiar with the laws in your specific area following a car accident.

Understanding the Types of Auto Accidents

Auto accidents come in various forms, and each type can lead to unique injuries and legal challenges. The type of accident can also influence the potential sources of compensation. Here are some common types of auto accidents:

  1. Car Accidents: These are the most common type of auto accident and can occur in various ways, such as rear-end collisions, head-on collisions, and side-impact or “T-bone” collisions. These accidents often involve issues of driver negligence.
  2. Motorcycle Accidents: Motorcycle accidents often result in severe injuries due to the lack of protection for the rider. These cases may involve unique laws and insurance considerations.
  3. Truck Accidents (18 Wheeler Accidents): Accidents involving 18-wheelers or other large trucks can lead to catastrophic damage and injuries. These cases can be complex due to the involvement of commercial trucking companies and their insurers.
  4. Commercial Vehicle Accidents: Accidents involving commercial vehicles, such as company cars, delivery trucks, or taxis, may result in the business owner being held liable.
  5. Bus Accidents: Whether it’s a city bus, school bus, or private coach, bus accidents can lead to multiple injured parties and involve governmental entities or private companies.
  6. Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents: Bicyclists and pedestrians are particularly vulnerable in traffic. Accidents involving these individuals often result in serious injuries and require careful investigation.
  7. Drunk Driving Accidents: Accidents caused by drunk drivers can lead to severe penalties and punitive damages, given the reckless nature of the behavior.
  8. Rideshare Accidents: Accidents involving rideshare vehicles, like Uber or Lyft, have unique insurance and liability considerations given the nature of the rideshare industry.
  9. Hit and Run Accidents: These accidents occur when a driver causes an accident and then leaves the scene. Victims may have to rely on their own insurance policies if the at-fault driver cannot be identified. Click here for more detailed information on what to do after a Hit and Run Accident.

Each type of auto accident requires a tailored approach, both medically and legally. The injuries, involved parties, and laws can vary significantly. Therefore, it’s essential to have an experienced auto accident lawyer, like the team at The One Click Lawyers, to guide you through the specific complexities of your case and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Types of Auto Accident Lawsuits

Navigating through the aftermath of an auto accident can be challenging. But understanding the different types of auto accident lawsuits can give you a clearer picture of what to expect and how to proceed. Here are the most common types of auto accident lawsuits:

  1. Negligence Lawsuits: This is the most common type of auto accident lawsuit. In these cases, the plaintiff argues that the other driver’s negligence or carelessness caused the accident. Negligence could involve speeding, texting while driving, not following traffic laws, drunk driving, or any other behavior that breaches the duty of care to other drivers.
  2. Product Liability Lawsuits: Sometimes, an accident is caused not by a driver but by a defect in one of the vehicles involved. In such cases, you may file a product liability lawsuit against the vehicle’s manufacturer or parts manufacturer. Common defects might include faulty brakes, tire blowouts, airbag failures, or steering system defects.
  3. Wrongful Death Lawsuits: If a loved one died as a result of an auto accident, surviving family members could file a wrongful death lawsuit. This type of lawsuit seeks compensation for the victim’s medical expenses, funeral costs, lost future income, loss of companionship, and emotional suffering.
  4. Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Lawsuits: If the at-fault driver doesn’t have sufficient insurance to cover your damages, or if they are uninsured, you might need to file this type of lawsuit against your own insurance company to recover the rest of your costs.

Each type of auto accident lawsuit has unique elements and requires specific strategies. That’s why it’s crucial to work with experienced auto accident lawyers like those at The One Click Lawyers. Our team understands the intricacies of different lawsuit types, and we leverage that knowledge to fight for the compensation our clients deserve. No matter the nature of your lawsuit, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Common Injuries in Auto Accidents

Auto accidents can result in a wide variety of injuries, some of which may not be immediately apparent. Understanding the common types of injuries can help you assess your situation and seek appropriate medical attention. Some of the most common injuries include:

  1. Whiplash and Neck Injuries: These are among the most common injuries in auto accidents, especially rear-end collisions. Whiplash occurs when the head and neck are suddenly jolted, causing strain to the neck muscles and ligaments.
  2. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): These can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage and can occur even if there’s no direct impact to the head. Symptoms can include headaches, confusion, dizziness, and changes in personality or behavior.
  3. Back and Spinal Cord Injuries: These can result in chronic pain, limited mobility, and in severe cases, paralysis. Herniated disks are also common and can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in an arm or leg.
  4. Broken Bones: The force of an auto accident can easily break bones. The most common are fractures to the arms, legs, ribs, collarbone, and wrists.
  5. Internal Injuries: These can be some of the most dangerous as they aren’t always immediately apparent. Damage to organs, internal bleeding, or internal bruising should be treated as medical emergencies.
  6. Psychological Trauma: It’s important to remember that not all injuries are physical. Accidents can cause significant mental and emotional trauma, leading to conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

Always seek immediate medical attention after an auto accident, even if you think your injuries are minor. Some injuries, like TBIs or internal injuries, can take time to manifest symptoms. At The One Click Lawyers, we understand the devastating impact these injuries can have on your life. That’s why we’re dedicated to fighting for the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages related to your injuries. We’re here to advocate for your rights and ensure your recovery isn’t burdened by financial stress.

Costs Involved in Hiring an Auto Accident Lawyer

One of the primary concerns accident victims have is the cost of hiring an auto accident lawyer. Legal representation can seem expensive, but at The One Click Lawyers, we believe that everyone deserves access to justice, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning there are no upfront costs, and we only get paid if we win your case.

Here’s a breakdown of how our contingency fee structure works:

  1. No Upfront Costs: When we say there are no upfront costs, we mean it. From the moment you choose to work with us, we cover all the necessary expenses to build and fight for your case. This can include costs for obtaining medical records, hiring expert witnesses, court fees, and more.
  2. We Only Get Paid if We Win: With a contingency fee structure, our payment is contingent on us securing a settlement or winning your case at trial. This means if we don’t win, you owe us nothing. We take on the financial risk so that you can pursue justice without worry.
  3. Percentage-Based Fees: If we win your case, our fee comes from a pre-agreed percentage of the settlement or court-awarded damages. This percentage will be discussed and agreed upon before we start working on your case. This ensures transparency and allows you to know what to expect.
  4. Free Initial Consultation: At The One Click Lawyers, we believe you should have the opportunity to discuss your case and understand your options without any obligation. That’s why we offer a free initial consultation.

We understand that dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident can be financially straining, and the last thing you need is an added financial burden. Our contingency fee structure is designed to eliminate that stress, providing you with top-tier legal representation without the worry of upfront costs. Our priority is helping you get the compensation you deserve. At The One Click Lawyers, we’re not just your lawyers—we’re your partners in justice.

Court Appearances in Auto Accident Lawsuits

The prospect of going to court can be daunting. But with an experienced auto accident lawyer by your side, the process becomes significantly more manageable. At The One Click Lawyers, we strive to make the lawsuit process as seamless and stress-free as possible, which often means resolving cases without our clients ever having to step foot in a courtroom.

  1. Settlement Negotiations: A majority of auto accident lawsuits are settled outside of court. After filing a claim, both parties usually enter into negotiations. This is where having an experienced lawyer is crucial. We use our negotiation skills and knowledge of auto accident laws to seek a fair settlement that covers all of your damages, including medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering.
  2. Mediation or Arbitration: If settlement negotiations reach an impasse, the case may go into mediation or arbitration. These are both forms of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral third party helps the involved parties reach an agreement. Again, having a lawyer present can be vital in protecting your interests and advocating for your rights during these discussions.
  3. Going to Court: If a fair settlement can’t be reached, the case may go to trial. This doesn’t happen often, but when it does, you want an experienced trial lawyer in your corner. At The One Click Lawyers, we’re not afraid to take your case to court to fight for the compensation you deserve. We will guide you through the entire process, preparing you for any appearances and representing you in all proceedings.

The idea of going to court can be intimidating, but remember: with us on your side, you are not alone. We’ll handle the legal complexities, advocate for your rights, and strive to get you the best outcome possible, whether that’s in or out of the courtroom. At The One Click Lawyers, we’re here to fight for you every step of the way.

The Worst Car Crash Injuries and Biggest Settlements

Car accidents can cause severe and often life-altering injuries. They range from fractures and burns to traumatic brain injuries and paralysis. Some of these injuries have led to some of the most substantial settlements and jury verdicts in personal injury law. It’s essential to note that the amount of these settlements depends on many factors, including the severity of the injuries, the negligence of the other party, the effect of injuries on the victim’s quality of life, and the skill of the attorney representing the victim. Below are some of the worst car crash injuries and the largest settlements that have been awarded in such cases.

1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

TBIs are among the most serious injuries one can suffer in a car accident. These injuries can lead to long-term or permanent cognitive and physical impairments. In 2012, a $26.5 million settlement was awarded in California to a victim who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident due to a defective seatbelt.

2. Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis

Spinal cord injuries often result in partial or full paralysis, severely impacting a victim’s quality of life. In 2000, a Los Angeles jury awarded $4.9 billion to six victims who suffered severe burns and spinal cord injuries in a rear-end collision that resulted in a car fire. The case was against General Motors, who the jury found responsible due to a defective fuel system design.

3. Severe Burns

Car accidents can sometimes result in car fires, causing severe burn injuries. These injuries often require multiple surgeries and can leave lasting physical and psychological scars. One notable case in 1999 saw a $58.5 million verdict in favor of a man who suffered third-degree burns over 90% of his body in a pickup truck accident.

4. Amputations

Accidents that result in the loss of limbs can have a drastic impact on a person’s life. In 2005, a $38.6 million verdict was awarded to a woman in New York who lost her leg in a bus accident.

5. Multiple Bone Fractures

Multiple fractures often require surgeries and extensive rehabilitation. A Pennsylvania jury in 2004 awarded a $28.9 million verdict to a man who suffered multiple fractures when his car was hit by a commercial truck.

It’s worth noting that these cases are exceptional and not every car accident case will result in such large settlements or verdicts. The most important action after suffering any injury in a car accident is to seek immediate medical attention and then consult with a skilled personal injury attorney who can guide you through the process of seeking fair compensation.

Causes of Action in Auto Accident Lawsuits

A cause of action refers to the legal theory upon which a lawsuit is based. In an auto accident lawsuit, there are several potential causes of action that you might bring against the at-fault party. Here are the most common causes of action:

  1. Negligence: This is the most common cause of action in auto accident lawsuits. To succeed in a negligence claim, you must prove that the other driver owed you a duty of care, breached that duty (typically by being careless or reckless), and that this breach caused your injuries and resulted in damages.
  2. Recklessness or Wanton Conduct: In some cases, the at-fault driver’s behavior may be so dangerous that it goes beyond negligence. This can include actions like drunk driving, street racing, or deliberately ignoring traffic laws. In such cases, you may be entitled to punitive damages, which are designed to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future.
  3. Product Liability: If a defect in one of the vehicles involved in the accident caused or contributed to your injuries, you might have a product liability claim. In such cases, the vehicle’s manufacturer or the manufacturer of the defective part can be held responsible.
  4. Wrongful Death: If a loved one died as a result of the auto accident, you may be able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the at-fault party. This claim seeks to recover damages like funeral expenses, lost future income, and loss of companionship.
  5. Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Claim: If the at-fault driver does not have enough insurance to cover your damages, or if they are uninsured, you may have to make an uninsured or underinsured motorist claim with your own insurance company.

Determining the right cause of action for your case is crucial. It dictates the type of evidence you’ll need, how your case will be argued, and the type of damages you might recover. At The One Click Lawyers, our team has a deep understanding of the various causes of action in auto accident lawsuits. We use this knowledge to build a strong case that targets the maximum compensation you’re entitled to. We’re here to guide you through the complexities of the legal process and fight for your rights.

Collecting Evidence for Your Auto Accident Lawsuit

Building a strong auto accident lawsuit requires compelling evidence. This evidence will form the foundation of your case and is crucial for proving liability and the extent of your damages. Here is the type of evidence you should aim to collect:

  1. Police Reports: If the police responded to the scene of the accident, they likely produced a report detailing their observations and any violations of the law. This report can provide valuable information about the accident and may even contain an officer’s opinion about who was at fault.
  2. Medical Records: Medical records document your injuries and the treatment you received. They’re crucial for demonstrating that the accident caused your injuries and for justifying your medical expense claims.
  3. Photographs: Pictures of the accident scene, your injuries, and any damage to your vehicle can be valuable evidence. They can help recreate the accident and show the severity of your injuries and property damage.
  4. Witness Statements: If there were any witnesses to the accident, their statements could be beneficial. They can provide an independent account of what happened, which can support your version of events.
  5. Accident Reconstruction: In some complex cases, it may be beneficial to hire an accident reconstruction expert. They can analyze the evidence to determine how the accident occurred and who was at fault.
  6. Your Testimony: Your personal account of what happened during and after the accident is a crucial part of your case. Be sure to document your experiences, including your physical pain, emotional trauma, and any limitations your injuries have caused in your daily life.
  7. Financial Documents: To prove your financial losses, such as lost wages or out-of-pocket expenses related to the accident, you’ll need corresponding financial documents. This could include pay stubs, invoices, or receipts.

At The One Click Lawyers, our team is well-versed in evidence collection and will guide you through the process. We’ll work diligently to gather all the necessary evidence to build a strong case on your behalf. We understand that this can be an overwhelming task while you’re trying to recover from your injuries, which is why we’re committed to handling the legal complexities for you. With us, you can focus on what’s most important—your recovery.

Calculating the Worth of Your Auto Accident Claim

Estimating the value of your auto accident claim can be complex as it involves both economic and non-economic damages. Here’s what you need to consider when calculating the worth of your claim:

  1. Medical Expenses: This includes all the costs related to medical care required because of the accident. It includes ambulance fees, emergency room visits, hospital stays, surgeries, medication, physiotherapy, and any future medical costs related to your injury.
  2. Lost Wages: If your injuries force you to miss work, you can claim compensation for the income you’ve lost. If your injuries affect your ability to earn in the future, you can also claim for loss of earning capacity.
  3. Property Damage: If your vehicle was damaged or totaled in the accident, you can claim the cost of repairs or the vehicle’s pre-accident value.
  4. Pain and Suffering: These are non-economic damages that compensate you for the physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident and your injuries.
  5. Loss of Enjoyment of Life: If your injuries prevent you from enjoying activities and hobbies you used to enjoy, you may be entitled to compensation for this loss.
  6. Punitive Damages: In cases where the at-fault driver’s behavior was particularly egregious (like drunk driving), the court might award punitive damages. These are designed to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar conduct.

The value of an auto accident claim can vary significantly depending on the specifics of your case. It’s crucial to work with a skilled auto accident lawyer who can accurately evaluate your claim and negotiate for maximum compensation. At The One Click Lawyers, our legal team has extensive experience in handling auto accident claims. We work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve, taking into account all your economic and non-economic damages. Our aim is to make the legal process as stress-free as possible, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

What is a No-Fault State?

A no-fault state is one in which drivers have insurance to cover their own injuries and damage rather than insuring to pay out to the other person. In these states, an accident victim can only step outside the no-fault system and file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver under certain conditions, typically when their medical expenses or other damages reach a certain level or if the injuries are considered sufficiently serious.

The idea behind no-fault laws is to prevent minor incidents from becoming major lawsuits. By making each driver’s insurance company responsible for their own policyholder’s injuries and damages, it aims to lower the cost of insurance and reduce delays in payment.

No Fault States in 2023

As of 2023, the following are the no-fault states in the U.S.:

  1. Florida
  2. Hawaii
  3. Kansas
  4. Kentucky
  5. Massachusetts
  6. Michigan
  7. Minnesota
  8. New Jersey
  9. New York
  10. North Dakota
  11. Pennsylvania
  12. Utah

Additionally, the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico also operates under a no-fault system.

It’s important to note that in some of these states, such as Pennsylvania and Kentucky, drivers have a choice between no-fault insurance and traditional insurance.

How No-Fault Laws Apply to Lawsuits

If you’re involved in a car accident in a no-fault state, you generally can’t sue the other driver unless your medical bills reach a certain level or your injury is considered sufficiently severe. These thresholds vary from state to state.

For example, in Florida, you must have a permanent injury, significant and permanent scarring, or a significant and permanent loss of a bodily function to step outside the no-fault system. On the other hand, in New York, you can file a lawsuit if you incur more than $50,000 in medical expenses or if your injury results in death, disfigurement, fracture, or a significant limitation of use of a body organ or function.

Even if you meet the threshold to step outside the no-fault system, you’ll still have to prove the other driver was at fault to succeed in your lawsuit. Therefore, understanding your state’s specific no-fault laws is crucial to protect your rights and interests after a car accident. For this, consulting with a knowledgeable attorney can be incredibly beneficial.

Why Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer?

Auto accidents are stressful events. They can lead to physical pain, emotional distress, and financial hardship. Hiring an auto accident lawyer can provide crucial support during this challenging time. Here are some reasons why hiring an auto accident lawyer from The One Click Lawyers can be beneficial:

  1. Expert Guidance: Navigating the legal system can be complex and confusing. An experienced lawyer can guide you through the process, explaining your rights and options at each step.
  2. Claim Evaluation: A skilled lawyer can evaluate your case and determine the full extent of your damages. This includes not just your current medical expenses and lost wages, but also future medical costs, lost earning capacity, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering.
  3. Evidence Collection: A lawyer can assist in gathering the necessary evidence to support your case, such as police reports, medical records, and witness statements.
  4. Negotiation with Insurance Companies: Insurance companies are often more interested in protecting their bottom line than in fairly compensating you. A lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to pursue a fair settlement.
  5. Legal Representation: If your case goes to court, having a lawyer to represent you can be invaluable. They can build a compelling case, handle all court procedures, and advocate for your interests in front of the judge or jury.
  6. No Upfront Costs: At The One Click Lawyers, we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay nothing upfront. We only get paid if we win your case.

Auto accidents can turn your life upside down. With a dedicated auto accident lawyer by your side, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes from knowing your case is being handled professionally and diligently. At The One Click Lawyers, we’re committed to taking the legal burdens off your shoulders so you can focus on recovery. Your fight is our fight, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

1. What should I do immediately after an auto accident? After ensuring your safety and calling for medical help if necessary, you should call the police to report the accident. Then, gather evidence from the scene, including photos and witness contact information. Notify your insurance company and consult with a lawyer as soon as possible.

2. How soon after the accident should I contact a lawyer? It’s beneficial to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after an accident. This allows the lawyer to start gathering evidence while it’s still fresh and provides the best chance for a successful claim.

3. Can I still file a lawsuit if I was partially at fault for the accident? Yes, depending on your state’s laws, you may still be able to recover damages even if you were partially at fault. However, your compensation may be reduced by your percentage of fault.

4. How long does an auto accident lawsuit typically take? The duration of a lawsuit can vary widely depending on the specifics of your case. Factors include the complexity of the accident, the severity of injuries, and the willingness of the parties to settle. It could range from several months to a few years.

5. Can I claim compensation if I didn’t immediately seek medical attention after the accident? Yes, but it could make your claim more challenging. Insurance companies often use delays in medical treatment to argue that your injuries were not serious or not related to the accident. It’s best to seek medical attention immediately after an accident.

6. Do I have to go to court for my auto accident claim, or can it be settled outside of court? Many auto accident claims are settled out of court. However, if a fair settlement cannot be reached, it may be necessary to go to court. A lawyer can advise on the best course of action.

7. What if the other driver involved in the accident doesn’t have insurance? If the other driver is uninsured, you can file a claim with your own insurance company if you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. A lawyer can help explore all options for recovery.

8. How will my medical bills be paid while my lawsuit is pending? This depends on your insurance coverage. Personal injury protection (PIP) or medical payments coverage (MedPay) can help cover immediate medical expenses. A successful lawsuit can later reimburse these costs.

9. What if my injuries prevent me from returning to my previous job? If your injuries have affected your ability to work, you may be able to recover compensation for lost earning capacity. This compensation takes into account future lost wages and reduced earning potential.

10. What is a contingency fee, and how does it work at The One Click Lawyers? A contingency fee means you pay nothing upfront. Our legal fees are contingent on winning your case. If we win or settle your case, our fee is a percentage of the recovery. If we don’t win, you owe us nothing.

11. Who will pay for my prosthetic limb after my accident? If the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, then that person may be held liable for the cost of the prosthetic limb. If the other driver was at fault for the accident, their insurance company should cover the cost of your prosthetic limb. If you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, your own insurance company may cover the cost as well. You may also be able to sue the other driver personally to recover the cost of your prosthetic limb.

12. How Much Can Someone Sue for a Car Accident? – The answer is, it depends. We wrote an entire article focused on answering this common question.

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